Go Deeper

If you like what I'm writing, you'll love these....

Blogs I Follow

Gentle Ripples in a Big Pond

This blog is written by  Ed Khouri (my Dad). His insights are always opening my eyes to something new and inspiring me to strengthen my relationships with God and other people.

Joy Starters 

This blog is written in part, by a friend of mine- Chris Coursey- his joy is so contagious! Following his blog will help you fill your "joy tank" too!

Heart to Heart in a Shielded World

This blog is written by my mom. She has an amazing story to share and as she begins her steps into becoming a writer, I know this blog will be the place to go and be inspired! I already can't wait for her book to be written and I'm one of the few "insiders" who knows what its about!

Websites I recommend

Joy Starts Here 

Thriving Community 

Immanuel Approach



  1. hey

    your blog looks great! i definitely need some work before it looks like yours :)
    question for you, you asked before how to prevent right clicking images, could you kindly share what code or method you used?

    much appreciated!

    -fellow blogger :)

    1. I found a couple different ways to "deter" people from stealing images. It's not "hacker proof" but it will deter the innocent right clicker who is oblivious to copyright. :)

      (but this comment form won't let me post it all... here's the easiest way) {remember, with html, you must put a < in front of the word div and at the end you need to put a div>

    2. it's not letting me put the code here at all... email me equippinghearts@gmail.com and I'll send you a word doc!


I'd love to hear what you think!